Combat Coach


The Combat Coach educational programmes have been developed by myself, Peter Consterdine as Chief Instructor of the World Combat Association (WCA), through whose auspice this programme is managed.  The WCA is the international ‘umbrella’ of the UKs foremost  martial arts organisation, the British Combat Association (BCA) which, apart form being a substantial multi-style organisation has been at the forefront of modern self defence for almost 28 years it has been in existence.

The Combat Coach programme is the sum of all my knowledge and experience of Personal  Combat, Personal Security, and marketing and delivering commercial courses to both the public in general, commercial businesses, front line services (police, prison service) and government agencies.

“In total, between the 3 programmes there are some 55 Units across a range of subjects, unequalled in any martial arts or, practical combat course. The range and depth of the subjects is, quite honestly, amazing, with hundreds of photographs and illustrations across the units.”

Aims of the Courses

The Combat Coach programme is divided into three separate courses;

1. Self Defence Award

2. Self Defence Instructor’s Certificate

3. Combat Coach Diploma

1. The Self Defence Award level is for students of martial arts to educate them about Self Defence and practical applications of martial arts. It is also for the non-martial arts participants as a certified course in Self Defence. The course is a combination of delivered, home study units (some 22 in all), a number of student submitted essays and a thesis of some 7,500 words. Its aims are to;

Frontpiece of a sample Award programme unit


-Provide awareness of personal security and awareness issues

-Promote awareness of self defence issues and techniques

-Provide progression to the Instructor’s Certificate in Self Defence

2. The Instructor’s Certificate is for existing martial arts Instructors who need a far better level of knowledge to
be able to deliver self defence to their existing students and promote such classes to the public at large. This course has some 19 Units of complex subjects, submitted essays from students and a thesis of some 15,000 words.  Its aims are to;

Frontpiece of a sample  Instructor programme unit


-Develop the skills essential to the effective organisation and delivery of self defence training.

-Promote good practice in the instruction of self defence.

-Provide an intensive curriculum in personal security & combat

-Provide progression to the Combat Coach Diploma

3. The Coach Diploma is aimed at experienced martial arts instructors, in which category I
fit, who are currently delivering self defence courses but are looking to extend their market from the general public to the business community and other ‘front line organizations. There are some 18 high level units, submitted work and a final thesis of 25,00 words. Its aims are to;

Frontpiece of a sample Diploma programme unit


-Develop advanced knowledge & skills in the areas of personal security, combat, travel security and risk assessments.

-Extend the knowledge and skills necessary to instruct within ‘front line’ occupations.

-Provide knowledge, skills and all instructional material necessary to operate within commercial environments.

Face-To-Face Personal Training

Students enrolling on the Diploma course work through all three programmes in a structured way, receiving units on a weekly basis, submitting personal work and receiving days of ‘face-to face personal instruction’ with myself, Peter Consterdine.

This is what someone, who I’m sure you know well, and who is on the course had to say about it;

“I’ve spent enough time around Peter Consterdine to know in advance that signing up for the Combat Coach Programme devised by him would be a smart move, but I have to be honest and say that I did not appreciate just how smart. The course has exceeded my expectations and I had high expectations! The prospectus will give you an idea of the wide range of subjects covered, but you need to see the course materials to fully appreciate the depth to which all the subjects are addressed.

When you see the quality of the content and materials, let alone the value of all the direct person to person coaching, you’ll realize how good value this programme is.”

Iain Abernethy

Iain working the pads with another Combat Coach programme student, Andy Goodwin, during a BCA course


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