A Comprehensive look into BASSAI DAI BUNKAI with NEIL COOK Sensei

Aiki Shotokan Karate is very happy to host Neil Cook Sensei - presenting a comprehensive look into BASSAI DAI BUNKAI

Saturday 23rd March 2024 - 1.30pm - 4.30pm

No previous knowledge of the kata is required.


Event Details
club events
23 Mar 2024
Holy Trinity Church Centre, Chelmsford CM2 6HS
Whatsapp 07976 159696
£35 per person - limited places
I have just recently joined the WCA as an Associate Instructor and, so far, the experience has been very pleasing. The response to my enquiries was prompt and professional, and the admission process very smooth. I am pleased to be associated with the WCA and I look forward to many years of knowledge exchange and learning. As my school grows, I will enrol the school into the WCA - my students are quite excited by the prospect. Thank you for your positive and constructive contribution to the field of martial arts.
Michael Beaton Senpu-Ryu Kenpo (Australia) Chief Instructor
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